Insert catchy text here. Another catchy sentence.

We use full stops to show we're serious.

Available Now: Glass 10, Robot, DuncanOS

Coming Soon: Mick & Linus

Manual User Interactivity

The SVG to the left has an animation triggered by a user hovering over it. Give it a go.

Automatic User Interactivity

This animation however is triggered using JS Intersection Observer. This can be tricky but works well in this instance.

Another Image!

This illustration is also triggered by a user hover event.

Our Partners

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Will we sell your data?
Absolutley not. Your data is safe with us. ;)
Why the wink face?
What wink face? As I was saying, your data is absolutely safe with us and we definitely won't sell it. ;)
You did it again. You're going to sell my data aren't you?
What is your refund policy?
Great question. Send a refund request to our foreign call center and they'll deal with it once you've answered an obscure security question you provided an answer for 16 years ago.